“SHUT THE FUCK UP” demand silence in the face of a possible insult or inability to listen? “Smile” may say it all, with possibly a rendering of the once infamous
Unknown Comic, who tore upaudiences with a bag on his head. Is there homage to Detroit graffiti artist
Denial slipped in out of respect? The rainbow speaks to our most important explosion of freedom of expression and lifestyle, while as narling masked Mickey Mouse may speak to the terror of childhood abuse.
WITHOUT NAME allows us to witness the raw emotion and observation flowing from the hand, mind and heart of one of the most important emerging artists creating today.
Vicky Gallagher graduated from Fanshawe College in London in 2014. She moved to Halifax, Nova Scotia to accept a scholarship at
NSCAD, Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, where she continues to work and create.
The brilliant work WITHOUT NAME, represents a compilation of political observation, contemporary music and art culture, and the personal expression of emotion by Canadian artist Vicky Gallagher. Created as her thesis piece in the Fine Arts program at Canada’s Fanshawe College in 2014, the striking and revelatory images reveal a smoldering observation of life and her view of the world.
From a paean to Kanye West to a stinging indictment of capitalism, the work captures as well the playful and spiritual humor of the artist, in her wry and often oblique statements sprinkled throughout the piece. The tears falling from her eyes run the makeup as “I am a measure of your intelligence” calls out for understanding and recognition from another.
- Size: 80x48
- Price: $20,000
- Buy Now